In The Beginning
There Was But One Star...
The Star That We Are
Shining Across
An Empty Universe. - Solara
What is a Starseed and why are we here on Earth?
Have you ever looked up at the stars in the night sky and had a nostalgic feeling of home? A deep longing for a place beyond this earthly realm? Starseeds are souls that originated from Source who split off so they could become Emissaries and explore advanced star systems, the Earth plane, distant galaxies and other realms beyond the beyond. Some Starseeds volunteered to take on an earthly incarnation to support the evolution of the planet as well as develop themselves for spiritual advancement. They are here on Earth at this time to assist with the Ascension Journey in raising the vibration of the planet into the 5th Dimension and to help restore Mother Gaia and improve the quality of life here. Many are considered to be highly evolved souls who carry great wisdom and knowledge, along with unique abilities and special gifts that are very healing and transformative. Starseeds can be helpful with uncovering the mysteries that are hidden deep within the DNA of our Soul's blueprint, and they are very supportive to others who are seeking a deeper meaning in life.
Starseeds have lived many lifetimes on other planetary systems of advanced civilizations before incarnating here on Earth, so when we arrived in a human form, we came in with amnesia and had forgotten who we are and what we agreed to when we were in Spirit realm. Many say, "I couldn’t have possibly chose this, it's way too painful and uncomfortable....I want out now!!" Well, actually we did choose to be here for this human existence and didn't realize how challenging it would be to live in a human body. Often times it feels like an entrapment to the Soul because we have to drop down into 3rd dimensional density which can sometimes feel very unpleasant, limiting, and emotionally painful. A soul that is used to existing in a higher vibration could not simply just come into a physical human body and feel at home, it would feel incredibly uncomfortable and metaphysically incompatible with the lower frequencies of the Earth plane. Many Starseeds are highly sensitive empaths and will need to find and utilize tools and spiritual practices that help them stay grounded and balanced. They will need to learn to be adaptable and tap into their Multidimensional Nature to feel more at home here on the Earth plane.
Starseeds are also here to experience the depths of Ascension from the contrast of shadow and light so that we can remember our Divinity - we can only understand something through the direct experience of the Soul's Human Journey. Our Galactic Nature within is guiding us to return to the Heart where Love, Compassion, Kindness and Gratitude live, and it's through the human experience that we get to feel the depths of our emotions and understand the wisdom of the Soul.
"The Cosmos are within us. We are made of Star-stuff. We are a way for the Universe to know itself. - Carl Sagan
My Journey:
When I was a little girl, I always felt strange and longed to be somewhere else. I never quite felt like I belonged here on Earth, and yet I felt such a deep love inside of me for Mother Gaia. Many times I would look up at the stars in the night sky and have a nostalgic feeling of a place beyond this realm - it was a deep yearning in my heart for home. As early as I can remember, I was very much drawn to animals and nature, and in particularly to the ocean because I felt so happy and present in my body when I would visit the beach - the scent and taste of the salt water, the wind on my skin, the sound of the waves crashing and walking on the sand with the hot rays of the sun cascading down on me activated all of my senses.
Often times, I really enjoyed tapping into the magical energies of other worlds and had many (what I thought were) imaginary friends - Angels, Faeries, Gnomes, Dragons, and ET's. I felt like I needed to connect with them in order to survive, because it was too painful for me to stay present in this Earthly realm due to the tragedy that happened to me when I was a toddler. As I continued my journey of evolution, I wanted to know what am I doing here? So, I started to ask myself these questions: Who am I? What's the reason and purpose for my being in this life? What is my Soul's path and What am I here to contribute? And so, I began seeking answers and was hungry for spiritual knowledge and found myself engaging in practices like Yoga, Meditation, Herbal Medicine and then later was drawn to Massage Therapy & Essential Oils, Shamanism, Esoteric and Angelic teachings, Sacred Dance, Intuitive Development & Channeling, ET Contact and UFO's, Sound and Crystal Healing, Feminine Temple Arts, and other holistic modalities.
In the early 90's I came across the work of Barbara Marciniak who channeled the Pleiades and right before I found her books, during one of my morning meditations, I heard a word that sounded like the Pleiades, but didn't quite understand what it meant. About 2 weeks later I began reading her book, Bringers of the Dawn, and It certainly opened me up to seeking more insight about Galactic beings. I then realized that I chose to come here with a great purpose, and when I incarnated I had forgotten my starry origin of when I lived on other planets of advanced civilizations. Throughout my life journey I've had experiences of remembering past lives from ancient times here on Earth when I was a Temple Priestess skilled in many modalities and when I lived on other star systems where I was a Galactic Ambassador working with advanced technologies. I began having intergalactic communication during meditation and when I was in the dream state, it was a beautiful feeling of home and a Divine remembering of my Galactic brought me to tears.
I was very interested in finding ways to integrate my Galactic Starseed Nature with my human existence. So, I called in my Family of Light and asked my Divine Being within, "How can I best integrate my Galactic Nature with my Human existence to be more present and be the embodiment of Love?" Here's what came through: "Make the commitment to be here in this human life on Mother Earth and trust your Soul's Human Journey as you walk your path connecting through the Universal Heart. You are not alone, and many benevolent beings walk with you, guiding you every step of the way. We love, honor and adore you, thank you Beautiful Souls for volunteering to be here. You are the bravest of the brave!" I now feel a deeper appreciation for Mother Earth and often find myself chanting, "Earth is my Mother and I am home. I Love you Mama Gaia, thank you for inviting me to be here with you. I am so very grateful and blessed. Everywhere in this grand and beautiful Multiverse is my home. I am safe, I am supported and I belong. And so it is!"
Common Starseed Traits from various Star Systems:
(The Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra/Vega, Alpha Centuri, Orion, Antares, Venus, Hyades etc.)
*You have a deep interest in anything Metaphysical and Spiritual
*You are drawn to astrology, astronomy, sacred geometry and science fiction
*You are highly sensitive and empathic and can easily feel other people's energies
*You feel like an old soul who has been here many times
*You have intuitive, paranormal and psychic abilities
*You have an interest in crystals and other modalities like vibrational healing that utilizes color, sound and light
*You feel drawn to light, color and sound technology
*As a child, you had what you thought were imaginary friends
*You have a deep love for animals
*You have memories of when you lived on other planets
*You have a deep knowing that you came to Earth with great purpose and for a very important mission
*You crave being in nature and feel that it nourishes your soul
*You may have experienced major trauma and challenges early on in your life
*You have a strong aversion to violence
*You have experienced a spiritual awakening such as a dark night of the soul
*You enjoy receiving healing touch, like massage with aromatherapy
*Animals and children are drawn to you
*People gravitate to you for support and healing
*The realization that Earth is not your true home and believing that there’s life elsewhere
*You feel drawn to ancient cultures & lost civilizations and other worlds
*You sometimes dream or have memories of places other than Earth
*You have a vivid imagination and are naturally creative, artistic and you love the Arts (music, dance, painting/drawing, writing, etc.)
*You may have experiences of physical and non-physical encounters with Galactics, ET's and Angels
*You sometimes feel lost, alone, abandoned and displaced here on Earth (like a stranger in a strange land)
*You crave being connected with other Starseeds
*You were born into a family that you don't resonate with
*You can easily become bored and depressed
*You are seen as being different in many ways to other human beings
*You have a deep Love and Heart connection with the Universe
Starseeds and the New Earth Mission
Many Starseeds on this Ascension path believe that a clarion call went out and that Mother Gaia was in great need of our assistance, so we volunteered to incarnate on Earth to help her with this grand shift. The Soul's earthly mission is about experiencing human existence during a very powerful time of Transformation in human consciousness. It’s a journey of remembrance of who we are and why we're here. Our other lifetimes prepared us for this time in human existence to serve Mother Earth. We had forgotten our Galactic Nature, and everyday we are remembering that we are Light filled human beings shining our unique essence to help shift consciousness. It's truly wonderful to feel at home in our own body with the awareness of a deep sense of purpose and belonging. We are each a Divine spark of God Source having a human embodied experience and sometimes this journey can be very challenging and uncomfortable. The Galactics wish to say to us, "Beautiful Ones, you are not alone. We are in awe by your strength and the way you navigate through life so courageously. You are the Pioneers, the Wisdom Keepers and the Guiding Lights who are paving the way on this Ascension Path for others to come in and join you. Beloved Children of the Multiverse, you have arrived....Welcome home Beautiful Souls, welcome home!"
“The Soul is all encompassing with so much wisdom, knowledge and experience from all of its lifetimes. Different energies serve different purposes along the path. We are exploring life and remembering our Divinity through our Soul's journey.” - Maryanne Savino