Classes - Events - Webinars

Webinar Series:

Starseeds ~ Living as a Galactic Human on the Ascension Path

This 2 part webinar series will help bring you into a deeper understanding about your Starseed heritage and help you to access wisdom from your Soul’s blueprint.  It will be informative as well as experiential and is for beginners and those with previous experience.  You will walk away with helpful tools and spiritual practices to incorporate into your daily life.  Maryanne will give Light Language Transmissions to help you access your own unique Soul Codes, and she will be sharing channeled messages from the Galactics specifically for the group.

“It’s a very exciting time on Mother Earth, and I’m so looking forward to taking this journey with you.” - Maryanne Savino    

What you can expect from this webinar:

🌟  An introduction to Starseeds

🌟  Starseed lineages and traits from various star systems; Arcturus, Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Lyra/Vega, Venus/Hathors, Orion/Mintakan, Aldebaran/Hyades, etc.

🌟  Guided meditations to connect you with your Spirit Guides and to help you remember your Galactic Heritage.

🌟 Affirmations & Declarations, Somatic practices and Light Language transmissions to help you access your Soul’s Blueprint and bring you into Divine alignment with your Starseed Wisdom

🌟  Time for Q & A and sharing and a Light Language Blessing

**As a pre-requisite, please read the Starseed Mission page here on my website to get a little taste before we begin our Journey together (no pressure, just a suggestion).

*If you feel called, please have handy - a journal and pen, you may also bring a personal item with you, e.g. a crystal or photo (of a constellation, Angel, Galactic, etc.).

Location: On Zoom (Live and recorded with a replay link)
Dates: Saturday, June 3rd and Sunday, June 4th 2023 (each class is 2 hours)
Time: 12-2pm EST, 11am-1pm CT, 9am-11am PST, 5-7pm GMT
Cost: Sliding scale $88-$111 for the 2 class series (4 hours)

To RSVP, please contact Maryanne at (347) 418-8641,

You may make the payment through PayPal at:
After you make your payment please email me with your contact info so that I can send you the Zoom link.


Webinar Series:

The Language of Light: Remembering the Language of Your Soul 

This webinar series will be informative as well as experiential. You will be given sacred tools to help you connect with Divine Intelligence for accessing your own unique Soul Codes. I will be giving Light Language transmissions/activations from various star systems for grounding, clearing, healing, transformation and whatever I feel guided to offer for the group. There will be time for Q & A as well. 

We will explore various exercises and techniques which consist of:

🌟 Breath awareness with organic wave motion/movement

🌟 Vocal Alchemy: Chakra vowel sounds, Open-toning and Harmonic over-toning 

🌟 Language of Light practices and instruction for speaking/singing, writing/drawing and signing/moving.

🌟 Tapping into various types of Light Language: Angelic (Angels, Archangels, Elohim), Galactic/Cosmic (from different star systems - Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, Orion/Mintakan, Venus, etc.), Earth/Elemental (devic/plant, elves, faeries, nature and animal spirits), and from the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Date and Time: TBA
Location: On line and in person

To RSVP, please contact Maryanne at (347) 418-8641,