About Maryanne Savino

Starseed ~ Sonic Alchemyst ~ Ascension Guide & Educator ~ Light Language Oracle ~ Empathic Channel ~ Temple Dancer ~ Chantress ~ Womb Priestess

I am a Starseed Traveler who came to the Earth plane to assist with the “Ascension Process.” I'm an Empathic Channel for vibrational sound known as "The Language of Light" and a Temple Priestess for Sacred Dance Transmissions of the Divine Mother.  They have activated in me unique frequencies of Multidimensional Light Codes to embody higher states of consciousness and have awakened my intuitive abilities. This has been very empowering  and transformative for the enhancement of others in the private sessions and classes that I offer. 
Ascension is a Sacred Spiritual path of awakening and remembering, and I feel very blessed to be a sacred vessel for the Divine Creator to support and guide people through their journey. Years of study from esoteric mystery schools & ancient cultures have opened me to my "Soul's Remembrance" and have inspired me to share these sacred rituals and teachings with others.  This helps people to align with their Divine purpose and activates their own unique gifts & abilities.
 When I was 2 years of age, I had experienced trauma with tragedy that devastated my family. In my mid teens, my soul led me on a spiritual quest to find answers to heal and transform the emotional pain and anguish that inflicted me. I began my Ascension journey in August of 1987 at the time of the Harmonic Convergence, I was 22 years of age and little did I know what was about to unfold. Then in 2005, I had a direct bout with cancer and was previously diagnosed with debilitating fibromaylgia that left me bed ridden for months at a time.  My intuitive sense told me that both of these health crisis were connected to the trauma and tragedy of my past and that it was necessary for me to take responsibility for my health and wellbeing.  These experiences have instilled in me a deep dedication to help others overcome their health challenges and guide them to transform their trauma.
For over 28 years, I have served many people both privately and in groups to achieve personal growth, empowerment and transformation.  My mission in life is to assist others to access their infinite potential to live more authentically as the embodiment of Divine Love. 
I have traveled to Hawai'i, Canada, Egypt, Israel and other parts of the United States where I have studied and developed many skills and have awakened my unique abilities to further serve humanity and assist Mother Earth on her Transformational Journey of Ascension. I have a deep fascination for Extraterrestrial Contact, Galactic History, Starseeds and Astral traveling to other dimensions.  Everyday is a new beginning, and as I continue to grow and transform on this Sacred Spiritual path of life, my hunger for knowledge is ever increasing. I thoroughly enjoy exploring new adventures and experiences.  I am Deeply Grateful to be here at this time on Mother Earth and to be part of the most amazing Journey that humanity has ever experienced. 

 My Background 

Ascension Education, ET Contact, Light Language, Vibrational Alchemy, Intuitive Development, Vocal Harmonics, Chanting, Crystal Singing Bowls, Sound Healing, Feminine Temple Arts & Sacred Dance, Yoga, Hawai'ian Shamanism, Mayan Womb Massage, Continuum Movement, Massage & Aroma Therapy and Flower Essence Therapy. 

I am available for private sessions, classes, joyshops, healing circles and retreats. Please contact me at, 347-418-8641. Email: lomialoha8@yahoo.com