Private Sessions

I offer private sessions in Ascension support & guidance to help individuals access and awaken their infinite potential.  As a facilitator, I create a safe and sacred space for you to journey into areas of your life where you may be feeling out of balance or challenged.  Through my empathic intuitive abilities and with assistance from my Guides, Star Tribe and the Angelic realm, we can access your unique Soul codes of consciousness to assist you with coming into Divine alignment with your Soul’s purpose to be Empowered and Transformed.

The human energy field and DNA contain information and miasms (old discordant energy patterns). Experiences from past lives and early childhood trauma that have been locked in the mind and body are revealed through current physical manifestations and emotional limitations which have caused pain and suffering in one's life. The clearing of these old energy imprints and distortions allows for your inner joy and light to ignite and flow through for greater harmony. 

During your session I will assist you to access your innate healing intelligence for restoring you to harmonious balance. You are the Embodiment of Divine LOVE and you are meant to SHINE your uniqueness in the WORLD and live a full life!

For your session, it is recommended that you have clear focus with conscious intention of what you desire to heal and transform in your life.  I may utilize one or more of the following modalities to help you integrate on multiple levels:

* Starseed Origin Reading

* Ascension Support & Intuitive Guidance

* Light Language Activation & Sonic Alchemy

* Womb Alchemy & Sacred Dance

60 Minute Session: $175 (in person, phone and Zoom) By Appointment only **48 hour cancellation policy**

Call Maryanne: 347 418 8641 or Email:

Cash & PayPal Accepted.

Starseed Origin Reading

Do you ever wonder where you are originally from and that Earth doesn’t necessarily feel like home? Do you know what a Starseed is? Or, do you question, Am I a Starseed? Starseeds are souls who have chosen to take on an Earthly incarnation for soul growth and experience. They originated from star systems like Arcturus, the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda and other star systems, constellations and galaxies.

This session will help you receive information and insights about your star of origin, starseed traits and connect you with your Galactic star lineage. Starseeds have gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom throughout the course of their Soul's Journey. We can also look at your spiritual gifts, talents and abilities that you utilized when you lived as a Galactic on other star systems and see how you can weave them into your current life. I'm happy to assist you on your Earthly Starseed path.  

Ascension Support & Intuitive Guidance

This session involves the use of my empathic intuitive abilities, oracle cards along with Channeled guidance from the Angelic realm, Ascended Masters, Star & Galactic beings and Earth Spirits.  These Messengers of Light offer love, support and Divine direction for you to align with your Soul purpose so that you can walk your life path with a strong sense of confidence and courage to move through any challenging situations. You will be inspired and empowered to create positive change in your life.

The insight and wisdom that comes through during your session will assist you with uncovering and releasing energy blockages and limiting patterns that may be inhibiting your spiritual growth, creative gifts and healing abilities to manifest your deepest desires.

*Please be advised that these sessions are focused on helping you to attain personal & spiritual growth.  Each individual is responsible for doing their inner work while I offer support and guidance.  Although prophetic messages may come through, human beings have free will. The emphasis is not so much on prediction of the future, but is more about receiving messages that will help you with staying grounded in the present moment.


Light Language Activation & Sonic Alchemy

Sonic Alchemy is a sound healing modality that balances, restores and stimulates wholeness. It activates vibrational entrainment (vibrational entrainment means: when two frequencies of higher and lower vibration come into Divine alignment, the lower frequency is guided to align with the higher one to create harmonic resonance, thereby restoring a persons health) and brings us into Higher states of Consciousness for connecting with the Spirit realm.

The human energy field and DNA contain information and miasms (old discordant energy patterns). These miasms from deep within the cells are unblocked and released through an infusion of sound vibration from crystal singing bowls, vocal alchemy (toning, overtone harmonics and light language transmissions), and other instruments.

As an Intuitive Empath and Channel, I call in assistance from my Guides from the angelic realm, star/galactic beings, and earth spirits to help you to feel nurtured and safe. They communicate through me in the Language of Light and guide me to bring in empowering awareness and insight for healing and deep transformation.

Benefits of Sonic Alchemy & Light Language:

*Supports us through our Ascension Journey
*Awakens Soul knowledge
*Assists with multidimensional integration
*Strengthens the immune system
*Relieves stress & restores us to health
*Balances mood by reducing anxiety & depression

*Quiets an overactive mind

*Dissolves blocked energy & restores the flow of Qi
*Balances & aligns the Chakras and Meridians

"We can attain greater health and well being through the ancient science of sound healing. For over 25 years, I have been devoted to helping people heal and transform trauma so they can awaken their infinite potential and live in wholeness." - Maryanne Savino

Womb Alchemy

The womb is the center of creation, yet in western culture it is avoided and not given much attention.  The modern day woman has lost the connection with her body and her womb-heart essence.  We are in a time of remembering who we truly are - women of the Great Mother Goddess, re-awakening and embodying the juicy, sensual & sacredness of being an Empowered Woman.

If you have experienced sexual shame, abuse, wounding in your relationships, miscarriage, abortion, or birth trauma - then Womb Alchemy affords you the opportunity to awaken & restore your authentic Feminine Power.

As a practitioner and educator of Womb Alchemy, I provide a sacred space for you to feel safe, nurtured and empowered. During your session, you will be guided to journey deeply into your womb and heart space to explore hidden memories, feelings and sensations.  I use an integration of sound vibration along with other healing modalities that have their origin in Ancient Hawai'ian, Mayan and Egyptian therapies. Through this sacred path of Alchemy, I will assist you to uncover what needs to be healed, balanced and restored to wholeness.

Some of the many benefits to be experienced:

*Clears energy blockages and core wound imprints
*Heals and transforms trauma from your ancestral lineages
& karmic patterning
*Relieves symptoms of PMS, Peri-menopause, Menopause
and can even help with infertility
*Awakens and stimulates pleasure & sensuality from deep within
*Assists with activating and embodying your Sacred Feminine Power

When we reawaken the Womb's true essence of our feminine sexuality and power, a beautiful re-connection with the Earth Womb & Cosmic Womb of the Universe takes place, we can then feel deep pleasure and aliveness in our body. Womb Alchemy supports Women in all stages of life (from menarche to menopause).

“The pathway to an open heart is through a soft and relaxed belly. When our belly is contracted and tense, we may feel numb or frozen - cut off from life.  As we breathe deeply, down into our bellies, our chest naturally opens so that our heart is able to feel Love fully and synthesize with our Womb/Hara for balance and harmony." - Maryanne Savino